This tournament has already happened, so no point in looking for teammates or partners here.

Team Finder for the 2023 JOOLA NA Teams

There were ultimately 1056 players in 270 teams for the 2023 JOOLA NA Teams, November 24 through 26 in Washington, DC.

Database last updated: 2024-08-09 21:07:16 UTC

5 Team Finder requests pending approval.

To add yourself to the list, fill in your contact information and a description of what you are looking for and click on Add.

Your entry will be made public after it has been reviewed by NATT.

If you need to change or delete an entry on this list, please contact

Balamurugan Kanagarajmailto_bals@yahoo.com65026588601300CAI am looking to join a team with average rating between 1200 to 1600
Brian Wubinw149@gmail.com91778082822055NYlooking a fourth player rating 2000 and above to join an average rating 2050 team.
Changbo Luchangboluchadlu@gmail.com98429266182356NCLooking for a 2350+ player on a 2 person team right now.
Daniel Wangdwang1015@gmail.com91768681091717NJLooking to join a team with average in 1700-2100 range, preferably as a 4th player. I have been over 2000.
Gauravdeep Aulakhpradeepaulakh@gmail.com64630044121935NCI am available to join a team of four with average rating between 1900 - 2200
Husen SaidovHusen.Saidov2019@gmail.com34759511472320NYLooking for a 2300+ player on a 2-person team.
jim mossbergjlmossb1@verizon.net301-490-68051502MDlooking for a 3rd player 1500 -1700 rating. 2 players now are 1502 (was 1760) and 1634.
LeeLee.shen99@gmail.com86227682331719NEHope to join a team with 4 members. I am pen-holder with backhand slam in shake-hand style. I usually practice at North Jersey at thank you.
Leon Mckenzie Michaelmckenzie400@yahoo.com75424240141950FLLooking to play on a team.
Michelle Kanghelenjhq@yahoo.com20230243451799VAWe have two players (1799 and 1694) and we are looking for the third player. Thanks
MKkrkm74@hotmail.com48056096691800GELooking for a team with average rating above 1850
Mohammed Rajput (Austin)Mohu.rajput123@gmail.com60962645871000NJLooking for a team member with a rating around 1000-1200+. 2 members who play around 1000, I am under rated, not able to play tournament because of college but I play around 12-1400
Nobuyuki Shiogainobuyuki.shiogai@gmail.com720-663-74511981COLooking for a team around 2000 to join.
Olu ayangStigainnova@yahoo.com21944890932105GA ( 2200 level) and 2350 player Looking for a team to buy or join.
Patrick Fowlerpsf1000@wildcats.unh.edu1240COLooking for one other person in the 1000-1400 range to join our team. Have three members currently, but would like to have a team of 4
Peter Gegeyuchen1996@hotmail.com85828136011946MDLooking for a team of preferably 4 players with an average rating between 1900-2100.
philippe dassonvalyomango35@hotmail.com71841572602115NYlooking for a team rating between 2100 to 2200.
Raymond Caorcao2020@gmail.com41682009182052ONMe and one other person (~1650) are looking to join a Team together.
Ron Zharzhavskyrzharzhavsky@gmail.com65043150471750NYLooking for team members above 1750.
waynewaynesonlinestuff@yahoo.com34724465981868NYI have a extra entry available I bought at the discounted price last year. Please contact me at the listed email if you are interested.
Wen Jin Leekookylee1@gmail.com167888242691688GALooking for team mate around 1700 to join 2 member team, average rating 1700.
Will Chenwchen0609@gmail.com917-584-88330NYLooking a player with 2250+ rating. Current average rating is about 2400
Yanjun GaoYanjungao624@hotmail.com646-894-77430Looking for a 3rd player around 1200.
Yanjun GaoYanjungao624@hotmail.com646-894-77430Looking for one player around 1850 on 3 person team right now.